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Breeds we offer
☽ We hatch weekly year round, with breed availability varying depending on the season. While we primarily offer baby chicks (with a variety of sexed breeds available!), 6+ week old coop-ready, off-heat sexed pullets are also often available (first-come first-serve), and we post them on our social media pages when they are. Due to high demand, we don't accept waitlists for pullets. Hatching eggs for only certain breeds and in limited quantities may be available by inquiry during the spring. To purchase baby chicks of specific breeds from us, fill out a chick order request form here on our website, or follow along our social media to keep up with what we have available from our regular weekly hatches. We offer local pickup at the farm gate here in Victoria (bio-security in practice), or delivery and transport options.
☽ splash, blue, and black
♡ lays green eggs that range from silvery-sage, seafoam or soft olive
The Silverudds Blue, also known as the Isbar, is a rare breed that hails from Småland in the southern region of Sweden. This is the only purebred chicken breed to naturally lay green eggs, which often also have white or brown speckles. They lay around 200/year. It is a captivating and distinctive breed celebrated for its stunning blue, black, or splash plumage with dark soulful eyes, active and alert personality, and its egg laying ability even throughout winter. Straight-run as chicks.
☽ sexed female at hatch
♡ lays speckled dark terracotta eggs
A beautifully classic golden bronze (partridge) bird known for producing dark, heavily speckled terracotta coloured eggs, around 200-280/year. The Welsummer originated in the Netherlands in the early 20th century. They are appreciated for their hardy and laid-back temperament, aesthetic appeal. They are good foragers and predator-savvy, and actively seek out human attention. This breed is auto-sex (can be sexed at hatch) and are all sexed pullet (female) chicks upon purchase.
Black Copper Marans
♡ lays deep chocolate mahogany or violet (heavy bloom) eggs
The unique dark eggs of the Marans are said to be coveted by French chefs, and they are very prolific laying up to 280/year. This stunning and widely loved bird is a must-have for any rainbow egg flock! The Marans breed was developed originally in France in the mid 1800's. They are calm, quiet and gentle in temperament, and do very well foraging and free-ranging. Their larger size also makes them an excellent choice as a dual-purpose bird. Straight-run as chicks.
♡ lays bright blue or aqua/turquoise eggs
We have three separate Ameraucana flocks:
☽ CHOCOLATE + MAUVE AMERAUCANA - sexed female at hatch
Many folks instantly fall in love with the Ameraucana for their distinctive fluffy cheek feathers (beard and muff), pea comb, bright blue eggs (200-225/year). This breed was developed in the United States in the 1970s. They are a quiet, gentle, low maintenance breed that make an excellent addition to any flock. Many folks tell us that our Ameraucanas remind them of "cute little fluffy hawks" or "owls". Our Ameraucanas are purebred, and not to be confused with “Easter Eggers” which are a mixed breed. Blue, splash, and wheaten are straight-run as chicks. Chocolate & mauve are sexed female at hatch.
Moss Egger
☽ 80% accuracy sexed at hatch
♡ lays speckled eggs in dark olive, moss, cocoa, or ash grey
Our Moss Egger is a BC1 (backcrossed) olive egger hybrid breed, thoughtfully bred to prolifically lay dark, heavily speckled eggs in various shades of mossy olive and cocoa (280+/per year). They make a great addition to any flock, adding a diversity of colour to your rainbow egg basket. Each bird lays a unique shade. They have outgoing, lively temperaments and display a variety of beautiful and diverse plumage colours in the "autumn leaves" palette. This breed is auto-sex (can be sexed at hatch) and are all sexed pullet (female) chicks upon purchase.
☽ sexed female at hatch
♡ lays light sky blue eggs
The Legbar is a vibrant and popular breed, most well-known for their high production (up to 280/year) of large, round blue eggs and their adorable head crests. The breed was created in the early twentieth century at the Cambridge University in England. They are active, agile, and excellent foragers, making them a good choice for free ranging. We currently are offering primarily the Cream variety, although Opal will be available later into 2025. This breed is auto-sex (can be sexed at hatch) and are all sexed pullet (female) chicks upon purchase.
☽ lavender or isabel
♡ lays pink or peach tinted cream eggs
This cuddly pillow-like bird has a large, heavy body and a low stance with fluffy feathering; making them big teddy bears when combined with their docile and easy-going temperaments. This flock primarily produces Lavender with a small chance of Isabel. They are prolific layers of pink-tinted cream eggs, laying up to 280+ per year. The Orpington is a popular British breed of chicken first bred in England in the late 1800s. Straight-run as chicks.
☽ gold double laced in black or blue
♡ lays honey brown eggs
The beautiful, head-turning Barnevelder originated in Holland in the 12th and 13th century. The most striking visual feature of the breed is the double-laced feather pattern; an intricate arrangement that is as precise and beautiful as the most exquisite hand-sewn lace. The pattern emerged in the early 1920s in Europe and occurs only in the hens. They are good layers of often specked honey brown eggs (around 200/year), and are a docile and quiet breed. Straight-run as chicks.
Swedish Flower
☽ red mottled and mille fleur
♡ lays light seashell pink tinted eggs with white speckles
This flower makes the perfect addition to any garden! The Swedish Flower is a very rare landrace breed that developed several hundred years ago through natural selection in the Sydskanska Plains in Sweden. They have a curious and gentle, inquisitive personality and unique mottled plumage, and they lay around 180 large light pink tinted eggs per year. This breed is hardy with great foraging skills, making them a good choice to free-range. Straight run as chicks.
☽ colour variety (mixed pen)
♡ lays tinted ivory eggs
The official “fluffy slipper chicken” is arguably the cutest breed out there, with calm and cuddly temperaments to complement their unique appearance. Silkies are one of the oldest purebred chicken breeds in the world, originating in Asia around the 13th century. They have many distinct traits, such as black skin and bones, a fifth toe, and feathers that have a downy texture that looks like silk or satin. They lay around 160 small tinted ivory eggs per year. Our flock produces a variety of colours, such as blue, white, paint, partridge, porcelain/blue cream, black, calico, light buff, and more. Due to being a mixed-colour flock, we cannot guarantee specific colours. Straight-run as chicks.
Mille Fleur D'uccle
♡ lays tinted ivory eggs
The D’uccle (pronounced dew-clay) is a true bantam (miniature) breed, weighing only 22-26oz full grown. Their small size combined with their quiet and exceptionally good natured temperament make them versatile for even urban living. They have bearded muffs, feather booted feet, and a beautiful “mille fleur” plumage (which means “thousand flowers”). The D’ucclé originated in Belgium in the late 1800s. They lay around 150 small ivory eggs per year. Straight-run as chicks.
Blue Opal
☽ blue, black, or splash
♡ lays speckled mint or light sage green eggs
The little "witch's cat" of the chicken world! The Blue Opal is a fibromelanistic (meaning black-skinned) Swedish hybrid breed that lays a generous amount of speckled mint to sage green eggs (around 200/year). They can be blue, black, or splash in plumage, which has a very striking look when contrasted with the dark skin, combs, eyes, and feet. Curious and inquistive temperament, while being intelligent, active and alert. Straight-run as chicks.
☽ sexed female at hatch - sold as 6 week old pullets
♡ lays sky blue eggs
Our frizzles are a hybrid breed with distinctive curly or “frizzled” feathers, giving them a unique and ornamental look. They add a fun and imaginative touch to your flock and are productive layers of light blue eggs, contributing an average of 200-225/year. They have a curious and friendly personality and tend to integrate best with other gentler breeds. This breed can be sexed at hatch, but is only offered as 6 week old pullets at this time, on a first-come first-serve basis - and are posted on our social media pages when available.
Flocks in development: available late 2025
Salmon Faverolles
Porcelain D'uccle
Coffee Eggers
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